Monday 23 April 2018

EXTENDED: Musical Difficulties

After a month and a half since we briefed Walter, the LCOM student who wanted to work on our project, we still haven't received any work. He is also becoming increasingly difficult to contact as he takes days or weeks to respond to emails and messages.

As Plan B I decided to begin working on the soundtrack last week, but as a non-musician it was slow going and in a days work only managed to produce about 6 seconds of not very good audio.

I don't know how much fault lies with me and Brenda, as we were slow to begin sending him work, or how much is him being totally incommunicative, but this is the first time I have ever experienced such a lack of contact when collaborating with someone - especially someone who expressed so much interest in the project right from the start, and has repeatedly tried to convince us to keep them onboard, despite not outwardly seeming like he can be bothered.

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