Tuesday 21 February 2017

Applied: Storyboards

Today we met to show each other our storyboards and to decide on a narrative to follow.
Below are my quick thumbnails - very roughly timed to my transcription of the recording of David talking about the squashed frogs on Alabama highways.

After making an animatic from my thumbnails we all got together to watch the three animatics. We still couldn't decide on which to choose but eventually decided against Brenda's story because the quality of the audio recording was just not good enough - even though it was probably the best story. We drew up a list of pros and cons for mine and Rosie's stories, and eventually chose Rosie's because of the quality of the recording, and of the narration itself. Rosie has shared her storyboards with us and me and Brenda are going to look over them together and feed back any changes or tweaks we would like to see.

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